I KNOW THIS WEB PAGE NEEDS A LOT OF WORK, OKAY? My doctorates have been on hold since COVID. I put this whole sheet on hold. I will code it as an Engineering bloc when the Time is Right.

More information Coming Soon.

Ecuador: A Journey of Innovation, Healing, and Cultural Exchange

Welcome to my journey through Ecuador, a land that has significantly shaped my professional and personal life. This page highlights my experiences and projects related to Ecuador, focusing on sustainable innovation, integrative medicine, cultural preservation, and community development.

Sustainable Innovation: Crossroads 2024 at MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics

Discover how my work at MIT’s Center for Transportation and Logistics intersects with sustainable innovation in Ecuador. Read More

Wiamiakiu Healing Center Project

In 2017, I initiated the Wiamiakiu Healing Center Project in the Amazon Rainforest, focusing on integrative medicine and healing practices. Explore the Project

Return to Ecuador in 2019

Revisiting Ecuador in 2019 allowed me to build on previous projects and explore new opportunities for growth and development. Learn About My Visit

Engineers Without Borders in Ecuador

My work with Engineers Without Borders has been pivotal in developing sustainable solutions for communities in Ecuador. Find Out More

Amazon Rainforest

Explore my projects in the Amazon Rainforest, focusing on environmental conservation and cultural preservation. Amazon Rainforest Projects

Ecuador Waitlist

Join the waitlist for upcoming projects and initiatives in Ecuador. Join the Waitlist

Deliberately Delightful Company and Integrative Medicine

My journey in Ecuador is deeply intertwined with my work at the Deliberately Delightful Company, focusing on integrative medicine, yoga, and healing practices.

The Deliberately Delightful Company

Learn about the Deliberately Delightful Company’s mission and projects. [Visit the Company Page]


Professional Endeavors in Ecuador

Personal Experiences and Insights

Deliberately Delightful Company

Health and Wellness

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Mary's Portfolio (still under construction)
Welcome to Mary’s Website.

We’re glad you’re here.

Mary Long is an engineer & med student.

She speaks English, Spanish, some French and a little German.

Mary teaches yoga, dance and Reiki and is a graduate student.

Connect with Mary on social media using the buttons below.