Mary's Portfolio (still under construction)

Mary works at Internet Geopardy.
She owns the Company.

Resume Here.

Connect with her on GitHub.

I’m still updating my code. I’m very interested in storage and energy efficiency, heuristics, metaphysics and the intersections of navigation (SEO, GEO and other targeted-delivery <ex: IOT> applications such as radar, sonar, directed soundwave target, advanced networking and graphical models, am happy to chat about this) and the natural world. I am interested in MAPS and have worked on multiple mathematical models including for Nokia/GARMIN, now Microsoft. And electric cars power-mapping, heat maps…

We are gradually coming out of stealth.

Welcome to Mary’s Website.

We’re glad you’re here.

Mary Long is an engineer & med student.

She speaks English, Spanish, some French and a little German.

Mary teaches yoga, dance and Reiki and is a graduate student.

Connect with Mary on social media using the buttons below.